Undergarments Optional with Apologies – #SexySnippets

Carey Decevito

I’m in a teasing mood and normally I usually post something one of the men do to the women. Today, why not turn the proverbial tables, right? This next scene for today’s Nuthouse ScribblersSexy Snippets is taken from The Broken Men Chronicles series, more specifically, from Play Me to Infinity. If you like a spunky female and an equally stubborn male lead, you won’t be disappointed with the playful nature of these two, so let’s set the scene!

Working together can sometimes bring out the best or the worse in a couple. In this particular scene, Nicole makes use of her assets to not only apologize but to make things better for overstepping her bounds on a work-related decision. With a quick look-see to their playfulness, something tells me that forgiveness is not too far behind…

PM2I ebook“You’re in so much trouble already and yet you look like…

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